



的 health and safety of the Marist community is our top priority. 虽然新型冠状病毒肺炎并没有消失, 公共卫生条件已得到改善,该病毒已得到与其他疾病类似的有效管理.

此时,bet亚洲365欢迎投注强烈建议个人 保持与时俱进 他们的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗. 这适用于所有学生、教师和工作人员. While proof of vaccination is not required as a condition of enrollment at Marist, 具体项目和经历, 比如出国留学, 是否需要接种疫苗才能参加. All students must comply with the vaccination requirements of their study abroad program provider, 主办机构, 东道国, 以及他们访问的其他国家. 

我们认为这些是适当的方案, 社区和联邦政府的新型冠状病毒肺炎水平处于可控水平,并于5月11日结束了冠状病毒公共卫生紧急情况, 2023. 学院将继续监测公共卫生准则,并可能在情况发生变化时实施额外的卫生措施.

学生、教师和工作人员应该继续跟进 疾病控制与预防中心的指导意见中 for isolation and exposure precautions, as well as advice of their health care providers.



学生感到不适或经验 新型冠状病毒肺炎症状 应联系卫生服务部门.

对于紧急护理需求,bet亚洲365欢迎投注与紧急一号合作, 校外紧急护理中心,晚上和周末都有. 安全及保安 can provide transportation to Emergency One between 11 a.m. 和4p.m. 星期六及星期日.

方便与卫生服务部门及时沟通, students are encouraged to notify Emergency One staff that they are Marist students. 此外,学生可以选择博士学位. 克劳迪娅Zegans, 生署署长, 作为提供者从急救中心(或任何其他当地紧急/急救设施)接收他们的健康信息.

为 medical emergencies, students can be seen at MidHudson Regional Hospital. 安全及保安 will provide transportation to the hospital’s Emergency Department. 为 an ambulance transportation is needed and can be accessed using the 911 EMS system. 

To help resident students determine and access the appropriate level of care for their concern, 请联系:

  • 住校主任或住校助理
  • Marist安全和安保:x5555, x2282或(845)471-1822

请注意: 校外医疗服务受学生健康保险条款的约束,学生在非紧急情况下寻求医疗服务前应确认保险范围.



学生交流- 2023年9月1日

我们很高兴今年秋天你能来到bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 作为学院学生健康服务部主任, I’d like to share some important information and reminders about 新型冠状病毒肺炎. 
新型冠状病毒肺炎仍然存在于我们的社区. 最近, the nation has been experiencing a modest uptick in cases as a result of the new subvariant. 的 majority of COVID cases remain mild, especially for low-risk populations. 另外, vaccines remain effective in protecting against serious illness, and treatments are available for people at higher risk for severe infection.
新型冠状病毒肺炎 is now far less serious a health issue for most people than during the height of the pandemic, 但我们继续鼓励您注意保护自己和他人免受感染,就像您防止其他病毒和呼吸道疾病一样. 



  • Wash hands frequently, test when symptomatic, and stay away from others if unwell. 
  • 我们是一个对口罩友好的校园, 学院接受同学们的选择, 教师, 并要求工作人员佩戴口罩. 人们戴口罩是有个人原因的, and we ask you please respect mask choice and be considerate of others. We recommend that those with respiratory virus symptoms wear a mask when around other people.
  • Staying up to date with 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines remains an important defense against severe illness. An updated booster shot is expected to be authorized by the CDC and FDA this fall. 
  • Marist is hosting a number of on-campus vaccine clinics this fall; starting on Sept. 20, you will be able to get your flu shot and updated 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine when available.
  • 查看我们的新型冠状病毒肺炎医疗保健提示和资源 网站.

为了保证我们社区的安全和健康, 遵循疾病预防控制中心的指南 隔离和接触新型冠状病毒肺炎. If you need assistance developing an isolation plan, contact either 住房 or 卫生服务.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注继续监测新型冠状病毒肺炎的发展,并遵循疾病预防控制中心以及地方和州卫生官员的最新建议和指导方针, 如果情况发生变化,将更新其方法.  If you have any questions or concerns about these 新型冠状病毒肺炎 guidelines, 或需要任何类型的医疗保健问题的支持, 请致电(845)575-3270或 健康.Services@zizhanggui.com.


Dr. 克劳迪娅Zegans,


员工沟通- 2023年9月8日


我们希望你的新学期有一个良好的开端. As we approach that time of year when we typically see an uptick in seasonal illnesses, we also are reminded that 新型冠状病毒肺炎仍然存在于我们的社区.

最近, the nation has been experiencing a modest uptick in cases as a result of the new subvariant. 的 majority of COVID cases remain mild, especially for low-risk populations. 另外, vaccines remain effective in protecting against serious illness, and treatments are available for people at higher risk for severe infection.

新型冠状病毒肺炎 is now far less serious a health issue for most people than during the height of the pandemic, 但我们继续鼓励您注意保护自己和他人免受感染,就像您防止其他病毒和呼吸道疾病一样. 



  • Wash hands frequently, test when symptomatic, and stay away from others if unwell. 
  • 我们是一个对口罩友好的校园, 学院接受同学们的选择, 教师, 并要求工作人员佩戴口罩. 人们戴口罩有个人原因,我们要求您尊重口罩的选择,并为他人着想. We recommend that those with respiratory virus symptoms wear a mask when around other people.
  • Staying up to date with 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccines remains an important defense against severe illness. An updated booster shot is expected to be authorized by the CDC and FDA this fall. 
  • Marist is hosting a number of on-campus vaccine clinics this fall, starting on Sept. 20; you will be able to get your flu shot and updated 新型冠状病毒肺炎 vaccine when available.
  • 查看我们的新型冠状病毒肺炎医疗保健提示和资源 网站.

为了保证我们社区的安全和健康, 遵循疾病预防控制中心的指南 隔离和接触新型冠状病毒肺炎. bet亚洲365欢迎投注继续监测新型冠状病毒肺炎的发展,并遵循疾病预防控制中心以及地方和州卫生官员的最新建议和指导方针, 如果情况发生变化,将更新其方法.  

If you have any questions or concerns about these 新型冠状病毒肺炎 guidelines, please contact the 人力资源厅 at (845) 575-3349 or 人类.资源@zizhanggui.com. 我们的校园继续在照顾彼此和维护我们的健康和安全措施方面做得非常出色. 谢谢你保护我们工作场所的健康. 祝学期愉快! 

克里斯蒂娜米. 达尼埃莱 
P: 845.575.3000 x3349 | F: 845.575.3348


随着春季学期的成功开学, and after a careful review of Marist’s COVID policies and protocols, 我们写信是为了宣布这些协议的更新,为即将到来的2023年夏季学期和2023-24学年做准备. 我们现在想分享这些信息,以便及时提供, 向圣母社区成员提供透明的信息, and especially students who will be newly enrolling at or returning to Marist.

5月22日开始, 2023, Marist将采取强烈建议所有学生接种新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗系列和增强疫苗的政策, 教师, 和工作人员.  这一决定是在与学院的医疗咨询小组(MAG)协商并审查了最新的公共卫生数据和新型冠状病毒肺炎指南之后做出的. Proof of vaccination and booster will no longer be required as a condition of employment or enrollment at Marist; however, 具体项目和经历, 包括某些海外留学项目, 是否需要接种疫苗才能参加.

虽然新型冠状病毒肺炎病毒并没有消失, 公共卫生条件已经得到改善,与其他疾病一样,COVID可以有效地自我管理. bet亚洲365欢迎投注的最新政策与 联邦政府最近的声明 that it will end the coronavirus public health emergency on May 11, 2023. We believe this is an appropriate update to the College’s health protocols given sustained, 可管理的 社区中的COVID, 家庭测试工具的广泛使用, 以及我们的校园社区对考试的熟悉程度, 隔离和"生病待在家里"协议. 

我们想花一点时间向过去三年参与医学咨询委员会(MAG)的玛丽斯特教职员工表示感谢. 主席:博士. Alicia Slater, Dean of the School of 科学, members of MAG include Dr. 克劳迪娅Zegans, 导演 of Student 卫生服务; Dr. Steve Katz, Medical 导演, bet亚洲365欢迎投注医师助理计划; and Dr. 艾琳·麦克劳克林, 助理医务主任, bet亚洲365欢迎投注医师助理计划, 职业医学主任 & 员工健康,高级健康系统.  他们的领导, 关注科学数据, 以及对公共卫生指南的持续审查,帮助bet亚洲365欢迎投注成功应对了疫情,并保留了吸引学生的标志性实地经验. 学院将 继续 to monitor public health guidelines and reserves the right to update its guidelines should conditions warrant; we also can tap into the expertise of our MAG once again if needed.

取消我们的COVID疫苗接种任务并不能减轻我们每个人的个人责任,当我们感觉不舒服时,我们必须继续努力检测自己是否感染COVID, 生病在家, 并遵循学院的规则 隔离协议 当检测呈阳性时. 的se important steps will 继续 to promote the health and safety of our campus community. 

We thank everyone in our community for their support and adherence to our COVID protocols. 在过去的三年里,你们的行动和对彼此的关怀反映了是什么让我们的圣母社区变得特别和独特.

Geoff Brackett,执行副总裁


亲爱的bet亚洲365欢迎投注全体教员 & 员工的同事,

在我们准备启动2022-2023学年的时候, we wanted to let you know that to better serve our student population, 我们有 relocated and refurbished our student health and counseling services 所以他们在校园的中心:学生中心3楼(健康服务)和中层1楼(咨询服务). 这是一个重要的进步,因为我们相信,在经历了两年因新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行造成的严重中断之后,我们将迎来一个更加传统的运营年. Many thanks to you all for the perseverance you have shown over that period. We are cautiously optimistic and extremely excited about the academic year ahead of us.

在这个背景下, we also wanted to let you know of important updates to our public health policies, 由bet亚洲365欢迎投注医疗咨询小组告知的, whose expertise has helped to guide us successfully through the past two years. 它们是:


的 Marist community maintains a high rate of vaccination and booster compliance. We will begin the semester with the following policies in place:

  • 学院将 继续要求 为2022年秋季学期获得完整的疫苗系列和初始加强剂, unless they were granted a religious or medical exemption for the 2022-2023 academic year
  • 学院将 强烈推荐 一旦符合条件,个人将获得第二剂助推器.
  • 圣母会 保持“口罩友好” environment where we ask that all respect individual decisions about masking. 教师 may 继续 to encourage students to wear masks during classroom instruction.
  • 学院将 继续提供面罩 致学生、教职员工. 请通过电子邮件发送至 个人防护用品.requests@zizhanggui.com.
  • >bet亚洲365欢迎投注将 继续 现有的隔离/检疫政策; 对于那些检测呈阳性或获得批准豁免的人来说,他们已经暴露于新型冠状病毒肺炎.


在2022-23学年,bet亚洲365欢迎投注将会 强烈推荐 学生、教职员工每年都会接种流感疫苗. 就像过去一样, 学院将定期在校园内提供流感疫苗诊所,方便市民预防流感. More details will be provided about flu clinics as they become available.


我们还想指出,我们正在密切监测 来自国家卫生部的最新消息 以及疾病控制中心(CDC)bet亚洲365欢迎投注猴痘的报告, 这是一种罕见的疾病,与引起天花的病毒属同一家族(与水痘无关). While symptoms are similar to smallpox, they are milder and rarely fatal. 的 CDC有教学资源 available on how it spreads, prevention, how to spot symptoms and available treatment.

猴痘的传播, 比如新型冠状病毒肺炎和其他传染病, 一直伴随着错误的信息, some of which stigmatizes members of certain demographic groups. 玛丽斯特致力于为学生提供教育, 教师, 工作人员需要可靠的信息和指导,帮助保护自己和我们的社区.

卫生官员建议,任何认为自己接触过或经历过猴痘特征的皮疹或病变的人都应联系其卫生保健提供者,以进行评估和适当治疗. 符合条件的个人现在可以通过达奇斯县行为和社区卫生部门获得疫苗. You can find out if you are eligible and pre-register for vaccination against monkeypox by visiting http://www.DutchessNY.gov / 猴痘Vaccine.

由于社区的顽强奉献,bet亚洲365欢迎投注成功地度过了过去两年的挑战, 我们对彼此的关怀, 以及我们对持续改进的承诺. 我们都很兴奋地一起前进,欢迎新学年的新生和回归学生.


Geoff Brackett,执行副总裁
Thom Wermuth, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of 教师